While working as a Production Engineer, I felt a strong gravity towards the software side of things. Having always had an inquisitive mind, I started looking at the various software developments occurring in the technological world. This was when I got introduced to the field of Machine Learning and Automation. Being a Mechanical Engineer, the idea of self-driving cars and robotic arms intrigued me to the core. This was when I decided to resign from my old job and pursue a Masters in Digital Engineering. Coming to OVGU, opened up a portal of opportunities for me as I learned about the various technological advancements and software systems. After almost a year at OVGU, I have become a skilled coder in Java and Python and have made myself quite familiar with different Machine Learning algorithms and libraries. Along with my technological skill development, I have also had an overall development including in soft skills like analytical thinking capabilities, working in a team, leadership qualities, stress handling etc. With these developments, I plan to grow in a way so as to be able to work with the newest of technologies in the future and hopefully one day lead a team in a project that will create a difference in the world. At Agile Robots I worked with PyTorch for making an inhouse object detection solution as my first project. Later on I along with a team worked to integerate this project with a CI/CD pipeline on GitLab, which provided me with well needed experirence with a version control (git).